introduction to photoshop

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop – The Fundamental (The Easiest Way)

In this post, we would like to share about the basic setup of any photoshop project. This is applicable to any kind of project that you are going to do later. Let’s get it started!

Open Adobe Photoshop software and then

  1. Click new file to create a new photoshop project, or
  2. Click open to open an existing project

In this post, we choose the first step which is click new file.

Take a look at the number and read the description below

  1. Click print to choose printing template
  2. Click A4 to choose its resolution
  3. Rename/Give name to your project
  4. Change the metric unit to pixel (my preference)
  5. Choose your artboard orientation
  6. Click create to start your project

Please remember that this is the fundamental setup for any project you are going to do. It depends on what are you going to design.

  1. Move tool – used to move any object within the white canvas
  2. Artboard – all of your object is placed here
  1. Properties – used to change the properties of your object
  2. Layer – used to arrange the arrangement of object in your artboard
  1. Right click on your move tool
  2. Move Tool
  3. Artboard tool – to move your artboard
  • Right Click on Marquee Tool
  • List of marquee tool – used to make selection based on what shape you prefer
  1. Right click on Eraser Tool
  2. List of eraser tool – used to delete any pixel of your object
  1. Right Click on Pen Tool
  2. List of pen tool – used to draw the outline of your object
  • Right Click on Type Tool
  • List of type tool – used to type sentences
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These are the main list of tools that you will always be using it no matter what kind of design you are making. To understand better about the tool set listed above, try to create one project in your photoshop and play around with all the basic tools mentioned here.

Show 20 Comments


    • Jobayer

      Thanks for the setup. I am happy to see it.

  1. Hanania Rozilan

    tq for the setup brother.


    tq for the setup

  3. Nursyahirah

    Thank you for the setup

  4. Farhanah Rozelan

    Thank you for the setup

  5. Mohamad Nasurudeen

    tq for the setup

  6. Shafiqah Ghazali

    thank you for the setup!

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